Monday, May 18, 2009

We have news!!

Hello all!
We are finally home after a long day in the city. The court appearance went very well we believe and we are hoping to get the approval on Thursday morning at 9:00. I know you must be wondering well what did he say?? I think the answer to that is in what he didn't say. He heard all of our information and all things were in order. He didn't tell us to do anything else or say we were missing anything. It was very fast and he looked at the calendar and said, "come back on May 21 at 9". You should have seen Zuri! She was as cute as can be. I was sitting by Leia and she was playing with a toy in my lap and she was laughing and interacting with Leia while the judge was looking over everything. We weren't in a court room but the judge's office so we were 2 feet away from him while Zuri showed him she has already bonding and loving her new sister. I was so proud of her!! We went to the embassy and met the main guy who will help us with her visa and passport. We are hoping the rest is downhill from here. There are frequently bumps in the road but everything should be in order so it is possible it will all go smoothly. Come Saturday, we have to move out of where we are staying to make room for a group from Ireland that will be here until Tuesday. We are seriously thinking about going on a safari for those few days! Everyone keeps telling us we should go if we have a chance so since we have to pack up anyway and we can't do anything over the weekend then it seems to be the perfect time. We are all doing well. Thank you so much for praying for us. We have been healthy, and in good spirits. It is hard to be away from home but I am thankful for wonderful friends and memories made. Thanks Mom and Deddy for the message of encouragement this morning. The part about the Celotex brought tears I didn't know were there. It was like poetry and just what I needed to hear. Claudia picked us up this morning at 6am and had gotten onto the blog and copied off some comments to encourage us today. It was a wonderful way to start the day, so thank you all for your words and thoughts for us today. I am very tired and am heading back to the guest house for the night. It is dark now and we everyone stays in at night because of the mosquitos. Love you all and we will try to update tomorrow. I forgot to tell you one thing. We brought Zuri's aunt with us today because she signed the papers to have her adopted and she was the one who brought her to the orphanage. She has a little one year old girl as well who was with her and it was sad to see the difference. They were about the same size but Zuri's cousin showed many signs of malnutrition. My heart is eternally grateful for the loving sacrifice this aunt made to walk her hours to the orphanage to give her a better life. I will tell her story later after we visit the village Zuri came from. For now, I retire. Love to you all....Gayla (and zuri who is now sitting in my lap!!!!)


  1. Talking through the computer is great but it doesn't take the place of a big hugh!!!!can't wait to see you all!!!! Yesterday Deddy and I were in Cracker Barrel looking at cute little outfits and Deddy said "now we need to get another small Christmas Tree for Zuri!" Can't wait--can't wait!! We love you all. Mom & Deddy

  2. Hey Gayla & Jimmy & kids,

    I haven't written much but I wanted to let you know that we are reading your blog everyday. I told 3 little first grade girls about Leia eating grasshoppers. That sounds like a great day with the judge. We will keep praying for this process, health and protection. Love, Kay

  3. I can feel the day you come home getting closer and closer. I can feel the day Zuri becomes a physical part of our community getting closer and closer. It is such an exciting time and yet I hear the weariness in your words so now I'm targeting my prayers towards refreshment - maybe the safari is just what you need to refocus for a little bit. We love you guys and can't wait until we can track your plane as it heads home! Hugs and kisses to everyone. Connie

  4. Hey Renslows! We're glad to hear everything went smoother today. We look forward to meeting Zuri!

    (and have fun on safari if you go.)

    The Shearers

  5. Well, all this blog stuff is totally new to me, but i'm finally caught was really fun reading your story from start to the wonderful finish (on Thursday!!)
    What a beautiful little girl and how blessed she is. We're praying & send our love. sarah & michael

  6. you must definitely go on safari!!! it will be an experience you'll never forget and bring you even closer to God seeing Him in new parts of His creation that we don't get to see in the US! also, i remember a couple years ago when i met you through a mutual friend hearing your desire to adopt a child...i am so thrilled that your entire family is getting to experience the country where your new little girl was born. what an opportunity God has provided you with! praying with you every day for favor with the judge and other officials, safety and continued family bonding!

  7. adrienne McClendonMay 19, 2009 at 6:38 AM

    We will continue to lift up your family in prayer! What a fun life journey God has put before you! I know that a journey always gets long and makes you weary but I think that you learn and receive more of a blessing when you hit that point in the journey. I learn better when I am too tired to try my own way and lean fully on Him. We will pray for you strength, health and smooth sailing in bringing your baby home.
    love , Adrienne and adam
