Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Hello on Tuesday....

So I didn't have a catchy title for this blog. I just have some time and thought I'd share about our day. I started out doing laundry. It takes so long to do a load that I started first thing at 7:30 hoping to get it all in today! I decided to put it out on the line today because we had so much. The laundry smells so much better today and it has brightened my spirits. It was smelling a little soured and wasn't very fun to wear. You see I usually hang it up in the room and it takes all day to dry. You may be wondering why I would do that when hanging it out on the line makes it smell so wonderful (right mom??) We were told that sometimes Mango flies lay their eggs on the clothes on the line and when you wear them and they hatch, they burrow into your skin and the only way to get them out is to squeeze them out! Now you are tracking with my reasoning for hanging them in the room! Claudia said she has never had a mango fly and she hangs hers out so with all the laundry I needed to get done, I am living wild today. You can iron them and it is supposed to kill any eggs so I will see what I can get ironed tonight after we are in for the night. I wasn't brave enough to hang our underwear out....it all went on the lines in the room!
I have been more weary today. I have decided that it is the 2 week slump. I remembered on our sabbatical that at about 2 weeks, I felt like a sardine in a can in our camper and I didn't know how I would make it 2 and a half more months. I don't feel exactly the same way but I have been missing home more today. After realizing it was comparable to how I felt on sabbatical at this point, it has made me feel better. I think I am just missing what's familiar. I miss my kitchen, and familiar surroundings. I miss Hanna and bugless showers...and not needing to lift the toilet seat to make sure there isn't a gecko there before you go. I know I will look back on this time and feel like it has gone so fast. I am in no way complaining. The people here are wonderful and I am LOVING getting to spend such time with them. They are quickly becoming like family to us. I believe it is just hard to live out of a suitcase and after a while it begins to affect you.
We love hearing from everyone on the blog! I am not one to come to tears easily and I have teared up more times reading simple comments that are personally directed to us. I am suprised at my emotions while here. I stay in a state of unbelief over this precious one that God has gifted us with. Yesterday when we got the date to come back, I was struggling to keep my tears at bay. I fought against tears because I knew it would be a flood of emotions and I wanted to wait to celebrate. I don't want to let myself go there until I truly had the final ruling in hand because I feel like I will explode.
On another subject, this morning while I was doing laundry, Leia asked if she could do the laundry by hand. She watches the other children each morning washing their clothes and she wanted to see what it was like. I hope she can appreciate it more now. She did a great job and got many things as clean as the washer! I think this trip will empact her more than anyone because she is really trying to live like an African and asking questions all the time.
Mom, Zuri did the Maw Maw laugh today!! Boe and I were tickling her on the neck and she kept laughing and we realized she was laughing like Maw Maw. Since then, I can get her to laugh just by imitating it to her. For those who aren't familiar with it, I can show you when we get home. It is an endearing laugh to those who know and love her!!
Well, I know this post has been all over the place but I am writing it in Claudia's living room and talking with her off and on while I am writing. Its been a relaxing afternoon! Gayla


  1. Guys we miss you too! Leaving our house just isn't the same without seeing one of you in the yard and poor Snickers has no one to bark at...he misses hannah. We are thinking of you daily and praying that you will have your precious Zuri here soon. Sydney is so excited and is planning to spoil her. Be strong and know you are missed a lot.

  2. Whew, what a note!! Talk about tears of laughter and joy! We have sat here and read, laughed, and cried!! Do you have to take Carolyn and Zuri's aunt back Thursday? Jimmy has to record Zuri's Maw Maw's laugh. That is too sweet to miss!!You all sure make us keep our prayer life up!! Love you--Mom & Deddy

  3. Just wanted to let you know I'm praying for you and enjoying reading all the updates. You have a precious daughter and I can't wait to get to meet her one day!! Love ya'll! Berkley

  4. Gayla, I wouldn't worry too much about the Mango Fly. It's the McDonald's Hamburger Fly here in the states that will really cause you problems. (Sorry everyone, inside joke ;) Love you, Hap.

  5. It is so fun to read your updates and to know that each day and each adventure is bringing you that much closer to being able to bring Zuri home for forever. We cannot wait to meet her!!
