Friday, May 29, 2009

Pastor Jimmy...

Since I have been here I have been blessed with the opportunity to teach in several different venues. My first week here I taught the youth Sunday School Class for Bob and talked about God's Kingdom being upside down. Later that week, I took a group of students through a four hour (2-day) lesson on the drama of redemption where I covered the entire Bible - they learned it in an amazing way. I taught youth group one night and shared my story and connected that to the heart of God being parent like and how we can distort the authentic nature of God because of our distorted view of what a parent looks like. Today, I spoke twice to the entire GSF school (all kids and faculty) for a day of prayer and fasting. I talked about how the Jewish Scriptures have the story of creation, tragedy, and hope and then how the Christian Scriptures have the same story in Jesus and we are a part of a new creation. I have really grown to love the kids and the staff here at the school and the orphanage. Oh yea, and I also led the devotions for the staff team here and tried to bring some water to their wells as it is a place that will suck the life from you quickly.

I spend my free time trying to practically help by working on computers around the campus and trying to make the best of what they have. I have been able to restore a computer for the youth pastor, David, and put some Bible software on it for him to use and just clean up some others to make them run smoother. Bob and Carolyn, the directors, are incredibly busy and full of responsibility and Gayla and I are trying to wrestle them to dinner to talk about how our community at 5:14 can partner with them here at GSF. We see all that they are doing and the lives that they are touching and it is inspiring and exhausting at the same time - lives well lived.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Gayla and Jimmy,
    This is Jordyne here. I just wanted to let you all know that I have been following your blog (don't know why i never comment) and that I am so excited for your family. Stay strong- I know its probably getting lonely and exhausting. I can't wait to meet Zuri and see you all!

    Love you tons!
