Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Zuri makes it back to Uganda

We left with excitement and arrived with gratefulness. We are simply astounded that the LORD has made a way for our whole family to go back to Uganda for the summer. We are excited about making partnerships with others who care for orphans, adopting Zeke, and allowing Zuri to experience her birth Country - we are so very grateful!

Our way to London was uneventful and we loved it. We were able to sleep some and Zuri slept for about five hours. We arrived about 9:00 a.m. and took a little excursion into the city since we had 12 hours to kill. We saw the basic London sites and were even able to see the changing of the guard at Buckingham Palace. However, on the way back to our day room in London everyone kept falling asleep in the car. Our driver must have thought that we were completely uninspired by London. Oh, and Leia threw up several times due to car sickness in London and two minutes into our car ride in Uganda as well. She seems to be doing better now.

We are so very excited to meet Zeke on Friday and see Zuri and Zeke together. Very exciting times. Thanks for your prayers!



  1. So excited to hear that you are safely there. Can't wait to hear all about your adventures! :)

  2. How awesome and inspiring you guys are! Saying a prayer for everyone and I look forward to more pics.

  3. Can't wait to see those first pictures of Zeke with his new family. Love you all and am missing you already. Sandra

  4. Here we are glued to the computer again. So thankful you are safe. Can't wait to see Zeke and Zuri together. We love you and you make us keep our prayer life active. Mom & Deddy
