Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Meet little Jimmy

IMG_2675, originally uploaded by jimmyrenslow.

I really like this picture because it says so much to me. This is little Jimmy (his actual name) and what I notice is that he is running without shoes on a dirt\rock road like most do in Uganda, he is having a blast with the lacrosse sticks that TYLA donated, he loved having his picture taken, and every time I saw him, he was full of life and fun - I like this photo a lot. I would love for him to have a family to share his joy with.


  1. This picture is so great. Little Jimmy looks like an awesome dude!

  2. what an amazing journey!!!!! i'm so glad you are home safe and sound with your precious one!!!!!!

    roll tide little girl:) and praise the Lord!

    happy father's day jimmie!

    -the harrell's
