A moment of reflection: It seems that money is the biggest idol that keeps us from following what our hearts know to be true. I have been so guilty of that and am just now beginning to learn to trust beyond what I can see and enter the fruits of the promised land of faith. It is faith that is bringing this life changing gift to our family - not sight. If I would have stayed in my normal "m.o." then this would have never happened, but for perhaps the first time in my life - I stretched further than was comfortable. I walked into the darkness and I followed my heart and a dream instead of what my eyes could, or could not, see. Our family stepped into a story greater than our own! Believe me, we are not those faith giants that you read about. We like to control our own lives just as much as anyone else, but this time...yes this one time...we took a baby step, and God has blown us away with his generosity.
Practically speaking: It is comforting to be on this side of the fence and to see how God has lavished his resources upon us. It will cost about 20-25k for this adoption and I fully believe that at the end of our journey that we will bring this child home without debt and believe me - that will be supernatural. I give you that figure for perspective
and for hope - that much money is way out of the realm of sight for the Renslow's, but not for the realm of faith. In a culture of reason - the fact that we have paid for this is unreasonable - and therefore unmistakably bears the fingerprints of God. What are your baby steps?